From Our Students

In Class: Pre-graduation Jitters
Feb 18, 2014

In Class: Pre-graduation Jitters

Merrill College senior Zainab Mudallal, with another of her columns entitled “In Class,” with some pre-graduation advice for students nervous about entering into full-time workforce.

Maryland Field Hockey Deserves More Attention
Dec 3, 2013

Maryland Field Hockey Deserves More Attention

Despite having won eight national championships and even more ACC championships, Maryland’s field hockey team doesn’t generate the interest that other sports on campus do. Zainab Mudallal takes a look at why that is.

The State of Soccer in Maryland
Nov 4, 2013

The State of Soccer in Maryland

With the popularity of soccer exploding nationally, it’s no surprise that Maryland’s Ludwig Field, home to one of the top college soccer programs in the country, has become a hot ticket for students and fans alike.

In Class: Networking to Your Full Potential
Oct 22, 2013

In Class: Networking to Your Full Potential

Merrill College senior Zainab Mudallal with her latest column on the importance of students connecting and networking with potential employers to get a leg up in the job market before they graduate.

Media, Mike Rice, and The Trials of College Athletics
Oct 15, 2013

Media, Mike Rice, and The Trials of College Athletics

Merrill College doctoral student Justin Hudson delves into the Mike Rice scandal and coaches abusing players as a whole at the collegiate level and sports media’s coverage, or lack thereof, of these actions.

In Class: How to Juggle Your Time
Sep 25, 2013

In Class: How to Juggle Your Time

Merrill College senior Zainab Mudallal, with the first in a series of columns entitled “In Class,” gives some advice for students on how to better juggle all of their various activities during the school year.

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