From Our Students

Crazy for “Football”
Merrill College senior Oliver Macklin studied abroad in London last semester and enjoying learning about the sport of football from British newspapers.

Merrill Students Attend APSE Convention
Merrill College graduate student Chris Melville and rising sophomore Kofi Yeboah attended the 2014 Associated Press Sports Editors Conference in Arlington, Va. They write about their experiences.

Jimmy Reed’s Minor League Journal
Jimmy Reed, a 2013 graduate of the University of Maryland’s Philip Merrill College of Journalism, is writing about his second season pitching in the St. Louis Cardinals’ farm system.

2014 World Cup Coverage: An Analysis
Twenty years after the World Cup came to the United States, soccer seems to have established, for now, a media beachhead in mainstream American sports culture. Alex Holt examines the coverage of this year’s World Cup.

A Last Hurrah at Merrill College
Zainab Mudallal, who graduated from the Philip Merrill College of Journalism in May, discusses her successful hunt for her first job.

A Faithful Karate Lesson
Merrill College student Evan Sery writes about his experience at a youth karate test and the life lessons he learned participating in the sport.