AWSM Experience in Mile High

DENVER, Colo. -I had the privilege and honor of spending Memorial Day weekend representing the University of Maryland at the 2015 Association for Women in Sports Media Convention in Denver.
After a long day of traveling and countless delays I finally arrived in Denver. Upon arriving at the beautiful Grant Hyatt, I raced over to the opening reception at Lucky Strike Bowling Alley.
When I first walked in I was pretty nervous, but I began mingling with other students and immediately felt welcomed. I was then introduced to Gina Mizell, the VP of student development for AWSM, and she gave me my welcome packet and explained the timeline for the events of the weekend. I was so excited for everything to begin!
The following morning I got all dressed up and made my way to the opening breakfast and first panel on combatting stereotypes of women in media. It was fascinating listening to Patricia Mays of, Nancy Armour of USA Today Sports, and Laura Neal of the PGA Tour. They all discussed their past experiences and gave advice to young journalists about how to assert yourself in this field.
As the day continued I attended breakout sessions about a variety of different topics including, “Identifying Compelling Video for Your Broadcast,” “Working Together: Journalists and Media Relations Professionals,” and “Strengthen your Social Media Presence.”
The sessions allowed myself and others to interact with the professionals and ask countless questions. All of the professionals were supportive and gave great advice. I was constantly writing down their little tips such as in an interview don’t just say you’ll do anything to get the job, instead sell yourself and explain why you would be best for that position.
That night we had a free evening on our own. I went to a wood burning pizza place in downtown Denver with other students from all across the country including Arizona State, Michigan State, Kentucky, San Diego State and Ithaca. It was so interesting to hear all about their experiences, internships, and what their dream jobs were.
We became friends instantly and along with the great connections I was able to make with the professionals, I am so grateful for being able to meet these students just like me from all over the country.
The next day we attended lunch at Fogo de Chao with guest speaker Missy Franklin. Franklin waswell spoken and truthful. She answered all of our questions honestly and did not seem to act like she was 20 years old.
In my previous internship with NBC I had the opportunity to interview Franklin’s Olympic teammate Katie Ledecky. Ledecky spoke highly of Franklin and it was such a great experience to be able to speak to Franklin one on one as she prepares for her second Olympics.
One of my favorite parts of the convention was the career fair that allowed students to network with the professionals, receive resume critiques, and ask advice. I spoke to representatives from ESPN, SB Nation, USA Today Sports, and American Sports Network. It was beneficial to hear their advice as it pertained to me and my specific experiences, as well as what they believe I should focus on my senior year.
Another highlight of my trip was speaking to Christine Brennan. I have listened to her at UMD but this was the first time I really had the chance to talk with her one on one. She was encouraging and told me if I ever needed anything don’t hesitate to ask. She has done so much for women in sports media and it was truly an honor to speak with her.
To cap off the trip, after another flight delay, I was able to explore Denver a little more. It was such a beautiful city and the Rocky Mountains were unbelievable. I was also able to check off Coors Field on my MLB stadium list. It was the perfect ending to an amazing weekend.
The connections and friendships I made in Denver are truly incredible and I am grateful to have had the opportunity to attend such an amazing convention.
I am so excited to begin my career in sports journalism and I believe the skills I have learned this weekend will help me tremendously as I venture down this AWSM path.
Marissa Morris is a rising senior specializing in broadcast journalism at the Philip Merrill College of Journalism.